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Mission statement and purpose

Ventura County Medical Examiner

Ocean View

Mission Statement

The Ventura County Medical Examiner’s Office (VCMEO) investigates suspicious, unusual, unnatural, sudden unexpected and natural deaths not under the care of a physician. Our purpose is to determine the cause and manner of deaths through autopsy examinations and investigation of circumstances of death in a timely, compassionate and efficient manner. The types of deaths reportable to the office are outlined in California state statute (27491 Government code)


The general purpose of the Medical Examiner (ME) is to investigate all deaths that are suspicious, unexpected, sudden and unattended.  Investigations are conducted primarily to determine the cause and manner of death.  Autopsies are done for the same purpose when indicated.  The medical examiner findings are used to issue accurate death certificates; monitor certain types of deaths and the public health; as evidence in criminal and civil legal actions; for family genetic counseling; and for insurance settlements, to state a few of the many uses.  It is the policy of the Medical Examiner to cooperate with family members, public agencies, private concerns, and other members of the public who have reasonable, legitimate interests in deaths requiring investigation.  Such cooperation must, of necessity, be limited by the constraints of available staff, equipment, expertise and time.

Contact Us

Ventura County Medical Examiner’s Office
3100 Foothill Rd.
Ventura, CA 93003
Tel: (805) 641-4400
Fax: (805) 641-4410
